
wood suggestion 2010

Plywood coated in color decorated with thin wood-veneer pieces.The successful combination of material and the creator’s sense of beauty has changed even the original purpose of the plywood. This panel is a work of art, an exciting installation, more than mere architectural material.
This avant-garde decorated plywood was created by Ms.Yoko Miyaji, a clerk from YASUTA Veneered Surfaces & Design Co,.Ltd.
And this work was submitted to "Wood Suggestion 2010", an in-house competition .

What are the qualities of an excellent craftsman? Outstanding skills, selfless effort and infinite enthusiasm… However, the most important quality is a talent for embodying the demand of the age. In other words, craftsmen should always be sensitive to and be able to address the designers’ needs. However, YASUTA VS+D Company’s staff is not satisfied only with that. As well as completing the assignments, staff members as professionals in this field always look for new ways to use the materials and continue making new design proposals. Their pride as craftsmen drives them, and it looks like they even think of their tasks as fun.
Regarding the recent in-house competition, many products beyond the usual concept of wooden-veneered panels were created. (see flash below)

“In the future, I want to become a professional who is featured in the "Wallpaper" magazine, said a young staff member.

このアヴァンギャルドな化粧合板を手がたのは宮地陽子。YASUTA VS+Dの事務スタッフ。
YASUTA VS+D社内コンペとして開催されたwood suggestion 2010での作品である。


しかし、彼らのチャレンジはその域を超える。与えられた課題をクリアするだけではなく、スタッフ全員がその道のプロフェッショナルとして、常に素材の可能性を追求し、新しいデザインを提案しつづける。 そこには職人としての誇りがあり、そして彼らの楽しみとさえ感じられる光景がある。 今回のコンペでも突板パネルの概念をうち破る製品が多く作られた。


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