

                                                                                                                                     photo:Nacasa & Partners Inc

F,CLIO continues to offer bags to cherish a lifetime with designs evocative of the warmth of the Italian sun and hand made by masterful craftsmanship.
In making its debut in Japan, the bag brand from Milan with “ITALIAN TREASURE” as its concept has opened its flagship shop in the Ginza.

Mr. Ryutaro Matsuura (Nomurakougei co.,ltd. Design Div), the designer of this noted shop’s interior.
As clients look for the kind of space in which each displayed item stands out while harmonizing with the brand concept, to highlight the colorful items different hand-made materials on a key of white are combined to realize the creation of a space with a feeling of warmth.

Particularly with the wood veneer, "LOHAS VIVO Oak pearl Color effect" made by dying rustic wood white by special dyeing is used. It is finished with a unique texture that brings about both the warmth of wood and colorfulness, and together with the stucco finish of the wall in a pearl color tone, completes a wall surface cohabited by gentleness and dignity.
An original, subdued and tranquil gold color is adopted for the stainless steel used in some parts.
Based on the brand concept, and by applying original hand-made finishes throughout in skillful combinations, the creation of a space splendidly in harmony with the concept is completed.
To pertinently sublimate the concept requested by the client without running ahead with just the design, and to delicately and dynamically embody the brand image in the space.
There can be seen glimpses of the branding of Mr. Matsuura's own work style as well.

                                                                             photo:Nacasa & Partners Inc

イタリアの太陽のようなあたたかさを感じさせるデザイン、卓越したハンドメイド技術により、一生愛せる鞄を提供し続けるF CLIO。
“ITALIAN TREASURE”をコンセプトとするこのミラノ発のバッグブランドが日本初上陸するにあたり、フラッグショップとなる銀座店が開店した。


特に突板に関しては、ラスティックな木を特殊染色でホワイトに染め上げたLOHAS VIVO OAK Pearl Color effectを採用。





Wrapping Me Softly with His Song


The wall cemented with chipped wood thinning, CIBONE ’s pendant light made of aluminum factory’s scrap and furniture made with the wood core veneer to be discarded usually.
 A newly opened galette restaurant “Salle de sejour” in Osaka city.
Which is designed by the designer’s unit named ” 774 / NaNaShi ” ( 774 / "name unknown" )  residing in Osaka.

Originally, a galette means common people’s cooking of poor family in Bretagne region Frence where land is depleted and it is a simple cooking baked only with buckwheat flour, egg, and water at fireplace.
It has been told that the cooking saved famine of this region several times.

To avoid a plush life but to create a rich though simple life by utilizing material surrounding .
In this restaurant, not only a galette but also such wisdom and concept are secretly overlaid into the space design as well.

突板(metropolitan tiglio)で作られた家具。
大阪市平野区にオープンしたガレットレストラン Salle de sejour.
大阪在住のデザイナーユニット 774 (Nanashi)によってデザインされた。

もともとガレットとはフランス ブルターニュ地方の貧しい家庭の庶民料理で

