
being with vital living tree

Les Legumes, the vegetable bistro located in Kobe was designed by Hiroyuki Ogawa (DRAWERS).
 It is a cozy space looking out onto a roof garden. He placed a vital living tree (approximately 50-year-old European olive tree) as the symbol of the interior decoration, linking it with organic cooking. He have designed treasuring every single minimum detail, not providing meaningless decoration or excessive design.
Also, He considered showing without hiding and an obsession for things that come to be seen as well. On top of meal, fun such as going see grown olives has been added. 

神戸市西宮 Les Legumes  はDRAWERS 小倉寛之氏がデザインした野菜ビストロ。
食事に加え、成長するオリーブを見に行くという楽しみもあり?。   他の画像を見る

什器:lohas vivo 楢 クリア仕上げ
壁面:lohas vivo楢 ブラウンフィニッシュ不燃シート

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