
DNA of Kyoto-Tradition

KARAKAMI is an art paper that came from Tang Dynasty. It is a paper where various traditional patterns are block-printed by using mainly the powder of granitic crystal that gives off vague light and that made by grinding seashells. In Kyoto that is an ancient city of Japan, KARAKAMI had developed as KYO-KARAKAMI in the Edo era and been used in a temple and tea house, etc. and still have had fresh and sophisticated beauty.
Kakuo Matsumura (KAKUO Archtect Office , special assigned by his assistants Satoshi Kusakabe,Tsutomu Aoshima) who living in Kyoto incorporates his tasteful sensitivity of Kyoto-traditional into modern design well.
In the apartment that he worked on this time, he produced tasteful atmosphere of Kyoto-traditional well by engraving motif of flower whose language is the name of the apartment into a metal and harmonizing it with a wooden-veneered panel. It is his unique design that is analogical to KYO-KARAKAMI,and surely the tradition and culture of ancient city has been taking over with the DNA genom of such a outstanding young designers.


唐紙とは、中国の唐から伝わった美術紙。 主にやんわりと光を放つ花崗岩の結晶の粉や貝殻をすりつぶした粉を使用して、さまざまな伝統文様を木版刷りした紙。日本の古都、京都では京唐紙として江戸時代に発展し、寺院、茶室などに使われ、今でも新鮮で洗練された美しさを感じさせる。
京都在住らしく”雅”な感性を上手くモダンデザインに組み込む松村 佳久男氏カクオ アーキテクトオフィス)。
彼のオフィスの 若手、日下部 聡氏、青嶋 務氏が今回手掛けた京都のマンションにおいても、マンション名を花言葉で持つ花のモチーフ をメタルに刻み込み、突板パネルと調和させながら雅な雰囲気を上手く演出している。

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