

FUNATURU KYOTO KAMOGAWA RESORT was newly opned in KIYAMACHI KYOTO town where the tipical old row of houses along a city street faced beautiful KAMOGAWA river.
The building was build in 80years ago as the hotel but now it is redecorated to the wedding institution.The building was well cordinated that the exterior was never modifyed in order not to obstruct the old row of houses of KYOTO ,but interior was well modifyed combing with the new modern design intothe tipical Japanese lofty building style.

Mr.Shuhei Sasaoka(WASABI CO,ltd) took part in working this as a interior designer.Once he visited there as the inspection ,he kept his eyes on the location of KIYAMACHI street.The buidings faced to the narrow street on the entrance side ,but on the other side, we can command a wide view of KAMO-River and beautiful mountains. That situation lead the visitors could feel the tense atmosphere on the street,but once they enter the buildings they could luxuriate the feeling of relax and freedom.That is the distinctive feature of this town that they have been invited many visitors for long years, and it must express the hospitality of KYOTO people.

With this impresstion, he recognized that this feeling must be the same with the couple in the mariage.And the idea struck him to set up the concept of this project that he would express the key-word as"Travel". It does not mean the geografical travel but it express the new life of two in the marriage.

Many maried couple would departure from there with happiness and would have a wonderful life so long. VON VOYAGE!

*Japanese 日本語訳
‘FUNATSURU’は木屋町松原の鴨川に面した、築80年を超える地上4階地下1階建ての楼閣風建築をリニューアルしたブライダル施設。京都らしい景観を壊すことなく外観はそのまま利用し、インテリアに関しては古い建物を利用しつつも要所要所にモダンデザインを巧く組み込んでいる。㈱ワサビ 笹岡周平氏がコンセプト策定と内装デザインを担当。笹岡氏は初めて現場を視察した際、木屋町独特の雰囲気を感じたという。木屋町に立つ建物は京都の古風な町並みを入り口としながらも、反対方向は鴨川や遠く京都の山々を広く眺めつことができる展望をもつ。その独特のロケーションが訪れる人々に”旅”の緊張感と開放感を与え、そのことが訪問者に安心感ややすらぎを与えることに気づいたと語る。彼はその感覚が新郎新婦の新しい門出(旅)にふさわしいと捉え、今回、この鮒鶴のコンセプトテーマを”旅”と位置づけた。笹岡氏の斬新なセンスにより具現化されたFUNATSURUは、先鋭的なデザインと伝統的な文化の調和、そして時空の”旅”を表現するというコンセプトのもと、多くのカップルに幸せと素晴らしい人生の”旅”をもたらし続けるであろう。

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