

The noteworthy book was published. The title of this book is "MATE- RE-INNO" and it tells" What will you build in manufacturing?as the subtitle.
MATE-RE-INNO. It is a project to make the designable products with the leftover materials excrete from factories.With the traditional Japanese manufacturing skill, such leftover materials are rebeared to the live-products with the skills and wits giving by designer and craftsman.
The book is not the catalog for goods, the message of one interior designer is wrote in.

This project is lead by Japanese interior designer KATSUYA IWAMOTO(Label Creators).In the recent time of mass production and mass consumption,he recognized that we have forgotten the importat sense of "value" for design and manufacturing.He paid attention to make the products consist of leftover materials.It is not the simple production work but wishing to dispatch his message.

Some furnitures and sundries is made with waste wood of veneer-slicing process,and various kind of wood was assembled into the designable things.

He also opened the cafe-restaurant "te-to-te" and they served the foods with only the finest ingredients accepted.Of ourse the restaurant is decorated with the leftover materials. Veneer sliced waste-woodsl are used for wall and furnitures and various kind of wood deliver the charactaristic colors and texture.The white colored end-range tiles is put to the wall,and Chairs are covered with fabric off-cut.

You never lose the time visiting to his shops or restaurant in order to feel the good atomosphare and his strong message.You must find the new thinking of life it's self.

*Japanese 日本語訳
一冊の本が発刊された。タイトルは "MATE- RE-INNO"。”モノづくりでなにを未来に繋ごう”というサブタイトルがついている。
同じく彼がプロジェクトの一環としてオープンしたカフェレストラン テトテでは厳選された素材を使った料理が提供されている。勿論、レストラン内装も端材を工夫して用いられていて、突板端材やタイル端材を利用した壁や家具、材木端材を並べた床、そしてファブリックの端材を使った椅子.....。さまざまなモノが彼のコンセプトを現実に表現している。

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