Have you ever seen the summer field of snow skiing?
Different from Winter season,the field is covered with beautiful greens and the mountain bring the comfortable breeze and it makes us feel refreshed. In this summer the "wood veneered shade lamp" was set up in the green ski-field.
This event was come from the idea of Mr.Juniji Kitamura,who is the multi-talented person in Otari Village NAGANO.His profession is photographer but he is active as ski-instructor,coordinator of local activities,and reporter on local TV program..... his life is contributing the development of local town by providing the opportunities for many people to recognize the true value of his local area.
Those wood veneered shade lumps set up in the field was made by children who belong to "KIDS-SKI club" organized by TSUGAIKE SKI-SCHOOL. Mr.Kitamura and school staffs organized this event not only for fun but also they wish the children to increase the sence of love for their birthplace by giving the opportunity of village revitalization.
The sence of love for birthplace which was given in this event, be expected to be memorized in children's mind and it would be taken over for long. Mr.Kitamura is always drawing the design of his birthplace-future and his challanges would be continued. He is expecting to exhibite this lamp-exhibiton on the snow-field in winter ski-season,and wish to involve many skiers come from other town.
*Japanese 日本語訳
この”樹灯かり”も北村氏がコーチを務める栂池スキースクール”ちびっこスキークラブ”の子ども達によって製作、そして展示されました。 北村氏とスクールスタッフは子ども達に工作の楽しみを与えるだけではなく、地域の次世代を担う子ども達に郷土愛を育むセンスを養ってもらう機会としてこのイベントを企画し、子ども達がこの経験を通して郷土を愛する気持ちを高め、そして永く次世代へ受け継がれることを祈念して実施されました。このように北村氏は常に郷土の将来を描きつづけ、そしてこれからも地域振興の大きな原動力としてその活躍を期待されています。この冬、雪で覆われたゲレンデに”樹灯かり”が灯されて、多くの観光者を呼び込む・・・そんな壮大な夢も現実になるかも?
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