
modern touch by pure organic material

Coming 100% Design Tokyo in Nov 2009 you would find the landmark event in the design world.
One wood cutter will make the challenge exhibitting their objects produced in limited material others are one-of-a-kind.

Hiroshi Tokuda (TOKUDA MEIBOKU)the leading domestic-timber(especially Japanese YOSHINO-CEDAR) merchant,he is determined to push the sustainable healthy-forests development and frontiers of design by effective use of woods especially the timbers we never find the value on.His design work is driven by "discovery"of something having the potential as designable from forest or timber yard, rather than the creation of something completely new.Sometimes he add the procedure to cut the timber to shown the designable surface.His inspiration which was achieved trough the communication with designers works effectivly to this works.
This exhibition is one of the opportunities to impress his message to the active designers.He tried such challenge over 20years, but he received negative response than positive from the market which was based on mass-production market,but now the time have been changed.
His intention was free to the designer from the constraints of such market and production logic and let designer consider how they "make the ability", not "use".It should be commended for making a difference to the designers.
Now Contemporary design is changing a lot .This may be a prophecy for change in our life itself.It is the time for designer to show their skill how they can bring the beauty of nature into the life style.
Why do'nt you visit to his booth in 100% Design Tokyo,you would recognize that the fashionable turn of phrase "ECO" even does nothing to it.

*Japanese 日本語訳


ripple but strong presence

"SAZANAMI naturally fits in fluid lifestyles today, and newly generates a mild wave in time.The design made the most out of the characteristics of molded plywood has the lightness from flowing beautiful figure, the stability by simple shape, and high productivity through using parts of the same shape.The hope is that this coffee table will be loved long by all the people crossing over the age and the border as wavelet, not somthing temporary."says Kenji Fukushima, the promising young product designer who have worked under the world-prominent designers like"Toshiyuki Kita" "Yasumichi Morita". After he have worked with them ,he himself flied to Sweeden to study the design again at Goteborgs University. With fruit of his labar,his design works was prised as his products was exhibition in Milan Salone in 2003,2004.

His latest work SAZANAMI table would be exhibited in coming 100% Design Tokyo(venue:100% from Zero ) in next week. The basement of that table is made with bent plywood covered by natural wood veneer as the material. Not only the concept and design,here might be a tip regarding to his concept of fusion with nature.This simple design consists of structures and functions that takes the "gloval-citizens movement" into account, and assume nature forms evocative of human life.His work goes back to the primitive while using cutting -edge modern design.There are high expectations regarding to his future evolution.

"現代の流れるようなライフスタイルの中に、自然に調和し、新しく柔らかな時間の波をおこす“SAZANAMI”。成形合板の特性を最大限に生かしたそのデザインは、流れるような曲線美による軽やかさ、シンプルな形による安定感、また同じ形状のパーツを使用することにより、高い生産性を持つ。寄せてはひき、ひいては寄せる波のように、一過性の物ではなく、時代や国境を越え全ての人に永く愛されるようにとの思いを込めました"。100%デザイン東京へ出展する作品コンセプトを語る福嶋賢二氏。彼は喜多 俊之、森田恭通といった世界的に著名なデザイナーに従事し、その後単身スウエーデンでデザインを学んだ国内若手有望デザイナーであり、その成果はミラノサローネでも称賛された実力者である。このSAZANAMIテーブルは突板を表面素材としたベントプライウッドを使用し、コンセプトや形状のみではなく素材に置いても”生活と自然”を調和させている。地球市民意識に基づいたコンセプト、そして大自然を喚起させる有機的なフォルムデザイン、人間のプリミティブな部分に回帰しつつも最新のデザインを用いた彼の新作。今後、どう進化していくか大いに期待される。



The noteworthy book was published. The title of this book is "MATE- RE-INNO" and it tells" What will you build in manufacturing?as the subtitle.
MATE-RE-INNO. It is a project to make the designable products with the leftover materials excrete from factories.With the traditional Japanese manufacturing skill, such leftover materials are rebeared to the live-products with the skills and wits giving by designer and craftsman.
The book is not the catalog for goods, the message of one interior designer is wrote in.

This project is lead by Japanese interior designer KATSUYA IWAMOTO(Label Creators).In the recent time of mass production and mass consumption,he recognized that we have forgotten the importat sense of "value" for design and manufacturing.He paid attention to make the products consist of leftover materials.It is not the simple production work but wishing to dispatch his message.

Some furnitures and sundries is made with waste wood of veneer-slicing process,and various kind of wood was assembled into the designable things.

He also opened the cafe-restaurant "te-to-te" and they served the foods with only the finest ingredients accepted.Of ourse the restaurant is decorated with the leftover materials. Veneer sliced waste-woodsl are used for wall and furnitures and various kind of wood deliver the charactaristic colors and texture.The white colored end-range tiles is put to the wall,and Chairs are covered with fabric off-cut.

You never lose the time visiting to his shops or restaurant in order to feel the good atomosphare and his strong message.You must find the new thinking of life it's self.

*Japanese 日本語訳
一冊の本が発刊された。タイトルは "MATE- RE-INNO"。”モノづくりでなにを未来に繋ごう”というサブタイトルがついている。
同じく彼がプロジェクトの一環としてオープンしたカフェレストラン テトテでは厳選された素材を使った料理が提供されている。勿論、レストラン内装も端材を工夫して用いられていて、突板端材やタイル端材を利用した壁や家具、材木端材を並べた床、そしてファブリックの端材を使った椅子.....。さまざまなモノが彼のコンセプトを現実に表現している。


village revitalization

Have you ever seen the summer field of snow skiing?
Different from Winter season,the field is covered with beautiful greens and the mountain bring the comfortable breeze and it makes us feel refreshed. In this summer the "wood veneered shade lamp" was set up in the green ski-field.

This event was come from the idea of Mr.Juniji Kitamura,who is the multi-talented person in Otari Village NAGANO.His profession is photographer but he is active as ski-instructor,coordinator of local activities,and reporter on local TV program..... his life is contributing the development of local town by providing the opportunities for many people to recognize the true value of his local area.

Those wood veneered shade lumps set up in the field was made by children who belong to "KIDS-SKI club" organized by TSUGAIKE SKI-SCHOOL. Mr.Kitamura and school staffs organized this event not only for fun but also they wish the children to increase the sence of love for their birthplace by giving the opportunity of village revitalization.

The sence of love for birthplace which was given in this event, be expected to be memorized in children's mind and it would be taken over for long. Mr.Kitamura is always drawing the design of his birthplace-future and his challanges would be continued. He is expecting to exhibite this lamp-exhibiton on the snow-field in winter ski-season,and wish to involve many skiers come from other town.

*Japanese 日本語訳

この”樹灯かり”も北村氏がコーチを務める栂池スキースクール”ちびっこスキークラブ”の子ども達によって製作、そして展示されました。 北村氏とスクールスタッフは子ども達に工作の楽しみを与えるだけではなく、地域の次世代を担う子ども達に郷土愛を育むセンスを養ってもらう機会としてこのイベントを企画し、子ども達がこの経験を通して郷土を愛する気持ちを高め、そして永く次世代へ受け継がれることを祈念して実施されました。このように北村氏は常に郷土の将来を描きつづけ、そしてこれからも地域振興の大きな原動力としてその活躍を期待されています。この冬、雪で覆われたゲレンデに”樹灯かり”が灯されて、多くの観光者を呼び込む・・・そんな壮大な夢も現実になるかも?