
marriage of design and art-craft

The marriage-hall Himeji Monolith has been established, renovating the old building of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication established in the beginning of the 20th. Century.
In the nostalgic atmosphere remaining from the good, old days, materials like wood
and ceramic, glass, fabric are employed skillfully, and the gorgeous decorations and
the delicate existence keep attracting minds of people who visit the place.

Mr. Kazuhiko Tarumi ( LADAKH DESIGN ASSOCIATES ) and his assistant assigned Mr.Shigeki Kawashima who always continuously searches high quality architecture with the expressiveness of the materials. By not only installing ready-made products born from mass production, he also keeps on searching his trials, considering how to transform the materials to “the figurative and designable arts” and how to create audaciousness. It expresses their sincere efforts on “each one of architecture”.

Our company was in charge of creating the wooden veneered wall panels. As for the reception counter, we filled the whole up with palissandar -veneered inlay, including the background on the wall, and as for the wall in front of the banquette, we assembled walnut like a mosaic with emphasis on the white sap. Those create an impressive wall surface like a piece of a picture, fusing the designer’s drawings and the wood.
We remember the “Arts and Craft movement” arose in England at the end of the 19th. Century. As this movement gave birth to L’Art Noveau architecture, aiming a recovery of the craftsman mentality in the period, where the industry shifted to mass production, we suppose that the designers like Mr.Tarumi, supporting the possibilities of the materials, will give birth to the new modernism to go down to history.

The harmonize of “designer’s idea” and “craftsman’s skills”.
They two got married with every visitor’s blessings here in Himeji Monilith !!.

*see more photoes


ラダック デザイン アソシエイツの垂見和彦氏。大量生産から生まれる既製品を単にインストールして終始するのではなく、素材をいかに“造形”に変え、独創性を造り出し得るか?という垂見氏の挑戦を、担当の川島司外季氏が素材メーカーとともに追い求め実現する。そこには“ひとつひとつの建築”に対する彼らの真剣な想いが現れている。 弊社が製作担当した木目パネル。レセプションカウンターは、壁面の背景を含め、全体をパリサンダーの突板象厳で埋め尽くし、バンケット前室の壁面は、白太をアクセントに用いたウオールナットでモザイク風に組み上げた。デザイナーの描くデザインが木と融合し、一枚の絵のように印象的な壁面を演出している。




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