Kichiro Isoda ( Isoda architects office )is the premier interior coordinator assign to welfare living environment.He participate the interior design not only focus on design but how effective it worksto human. Now he is popular professor who conduct the seminar regarding to “Barrier Free”, not only for his client but also to the architects and surgical attendant.People often tend to think that barrier-free means simply eliminating difference in level for floors and mounting hand railings on walls so that elderly people can have comfortable lives. However, the barrier-free proposed by him indicates the reform designed to break down “barriers in mind”. For elderly people who tend to stay at home alone, his proposal is, for instance, to make nice living rooms where they are tempted to invite their friends or landscape gardens where they are tempted to go outside for taking care of plants. Even the life style could be change a lot by just setting the one comfortable chair in outside,he said!
The “happiness” of elderly people that he thinks is not a physical “convenience” but a whole “system to refresh themselves”. The residents who had his barrier-free reforms are vibrant as expected. It should be recognized as his original and unique"Universal Design" concept.
Even for elderly people, no difference in level and hand rails, for example, might be totally unnecessary.
一般的にバリアフリーとは高齢者が快適に生活できるように、単に床の段差をなくしたり壁に手摺をつけたりするものと考えられがちである。しかし彼の提唱するバリア フリーとは”心のバリア”をはずしてあげることを目的としたリフォームのことを示す。独りで家の中に篭りがちになる高齢者に対して、例えば、友人を呼びたくなるような素敵なダイニングを作ったり、屋外に出て植物の世話をしたくなるような庭を造ってあげたりする。屋外に居心地のいい椅子を一つ設置するだけで、高齢者のライフスタイルは変わるという。
彼の考える高齢者の”幸せ”とは、物理的な”便利” さではなく、”元気を取り戻す仕組み”そのものなのである。まさにデザインが生活を変える彼流のユニバーサルデザインだ。
彼のバリアフリーリフォームを受けた住人は、やはり元気がある。高齢者でも段差や手摺なんか まったく不要になるかも?
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