
Window Shop'ing?

The Japanese architect familiar with "FRAME" readers,Hisashi Hojin (Office HIyoshizaka) newly designed the glasses optician's shop.(Jin's Grobal Standard Shinsuna)

He installed many walls that has a lot of wooden flamed windows.The walls are placed to get to come inside space created, interacted each other, and then totally another different space appeared. It seems that the windows are enjoy talking each other
.In addition to it's unique design,we have to pay attention to it's constructing technique that the edge never appeared in the wooden flame of window. It helpes the customer to see though the windows without any barrier.Very simple device but very important to his concept.

Browsing for glasses at Jin’s Global Standard Shinsuna is just as enjoyable as window-shopping, but then indoors.

photographer: daichi ano

オランダのインテリア雑誌 FRAMEではおなじみの日本人インテリアデザイナー 寳神 尚史氏 (日吉坂事務所)は、人気眼鏡店JIN's Grobal Standard 新砂店のデザインを手掛けた。彼は店内に壁を作り、そこに木で枠取られた沢山の窓を設置している。壁は空間内部につくられているが、窓を空けることによって、各々に仕切られた空間が相互に演出される効果をもたらしている。窓達が 楽しく会話をしているかの様にも見える。 さらに注目すべきポイントは、窓の木のフレームに”枠”(小口)が表れていないことだ。枠が無いだけで窓の内部に自然と吸い込まれるような不思議な感覚を与えている。シンプルな構造ではあるが彼のコンセプトには重要な部分であったに違いない。
JIN's Global Standard Shinsuna 彼の新作には楽しさがいっぱい詰まっている。


above the style

Designer with a unique perspective that crosses over into other field and transcends the practical style.

Hiroki Michishita showed us his genius as a interior designer who could choose the materials for the space design. The veneer species he featured is "Bocongo" which must shows the western modern style,not Japanese. But he have got the flash of inspiration that he could use it to his Japanese architecture.
That westernized veneer species blends with surroundings items and well produces the atmosphere of Japanese modern style.This idea deserves our acclaim.The story tells us that designer is better at visualizing ideas than each professionals.
"The material is not chosen on the style, but above the style, everything he choose could be" he added.

                           photographer : Seiryo Yamada


異分野とクロスオーバーしながら、”様式”を超越したところで独自の視点をもつデザイナー。道下浩樹氏はインテリアデザイナーとして素材選定に天才的な才能を見せつける。彼の選んだボコンゴという突板は、本来は洋風様式の建築に用いられるが、彼はこの突板を敢えて和風建築に持ち込んだ。このアイデアは和風モダンな雰囲気を巧く作り出している。まさに拍手ものであった。この事例は、デザイナーが素材のプロよりその意匠を直視的に使う技量が勝ることを語っている。脱帽である。マテリアルは様式に基づいて(ON)使うものではなく、様式を超越して(ABOVE)して使うものである。和風として使えば和風になる!”彼は語った。(写真撮影 セイリョウスタジオ 山田誠良氏)



"SWING" is the form of Jazz music that developed in the early 1930s. Since then,People have been in fine with dancing on this pleasant "swinging" rhythm.
The verb" swing" is also used as a term of praise for playing that has a strong rhythm "groove" or "drive".
The beat and spirit of "swing" always make people so elated and giving them a fun!

There are few passers-by who are unimpressed when they see the many colorful clothes in the unique interior design which featured light-colored various burl woods and marble stones.The combination of two,materials and clothes are so in contrast ,but certainly helps in attracting visitors with giving them the pleasant feeling like "swing".

This shop (GALLARDAGALANTE Nagoya Lachic)are designed by architectural space-design office named "SWING".
Names of things often represent their true quintessence.So they are sure to be the designers-orchestra playing the "swing".
It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!!
Their design works proves that there are still many ways for design-work to contribute to make the gratifying experience for visiting customers.
Why don't you gaudily dressed for dance party?

このショップ(GALLARDA GALANTE 名古屋ラシック店)は、とある建築設計集団によるものである。その集団の名称は”SWING"。”名は体を表わす”の言葉通り、彼らの作品は常に人々と"スウィング"している。まさに彼らこそデザイナーで構成されるスウィングオーケストラなのだ。
It do'nt mean a thing,if it ain't got that swing!! (スウィングしなけりゃ意味がない!)