Hotel KAICHORO is newly featured as the excelsior hotel of the time-honored(over 400years) tradition hotel FUKUICHI which is located in Ikaho-Hot Springs area in Gunma prefecture Japan.
There the guests can stay in luxury in the quiet and sophisticated atmosphere with excellent meal, Spa-facility ,of course the warm hospitality of the hotel staffs.
The space design was considered under the concept of "和" (Japanese style )which is not typical tradition but it would build up one of the new style of interior scene recognized as the "Internationalized Japanese modern".
The architect Kakuo Matsumura(Kakuo Architect office,KYOTO Japan) is the leading person of Japanese modern architecture and he is energetically promoting it in his works.
The rooms is stage-designed with calm and peaceful atmosphere featuring verious Japanese wood well combined with the lighting effects. Even the atmosphere is surely based on Japanese sensibility which we feel so comfortable, but the style of interior is quite different from our old typical tradition of Japanese.That is the point which we even Japanese would be deeply impressed favorably with his this work.
Matsumura was born and spend most of his life in Kyoto the old metropolis where they still keep the old culture and architecture-style. With this situation and addition of his internationalized taste of idea have been created such a new "Internationalized - Japanese- modern".
You can not miss his strikingly original design works when you would visit to Japan!!
*Japanese 日本語訳
「諧暢楼」は400年の歴史を持つ伊香保温泉の老舗ホテル「福一」の別館として新しく開業したホテルです。この宿では洗練された客室、スタッフの暖かいおもてなし、そして地産地消の食材を使った料理やスパ施設といったサービスも充実しており、静かで洗練されたラグジュアリーなひとときを過ごせる宿となっています。この宿のデザインのコンセプトは”インターナショナル ジャパニーズモダン”。日本の個性美を押し付けるのではなく、世界に認められる美を日本式に表現するというこのデザインスタイルは京都在住の松村佳久男氏(カクオ アーキテクト オフィス)によって手がけられたました。日本の樹をふんだんに使い、ライティングで静かさと落ち着きを表現する各部屋は、とても快適で我々日本人にとっても印象深い雰囲気をかもしだしています。松村氏は古都、京都で生まれ育ち。磨きぬかれた日本文化に対するセンスを基に、国際感覚を融合させた彼は新しいジャパニーズモダンの先駆者として注目を浴び続けています。